Exhaust unit
The exhaust unit guarantees a laboratory environment free of pollutants while slicing and preparing histological slide preparations. Airflow travels over the entire working area and is vacuumed out backwards, which provides optimal removal of unsanitary vapours. MAC (maximum allowable concentration) values from formalin are below target throughout the entire vacuum-effected area. The exhaust unit has to be connected to a side-mounted exhaust system.
Half open with illumination
- Left and right side with sloped glass sealing made of ESG safety glass
- Connection for exhaust vertical on the top
- 2 pieces halogen lamps 35 W with circuit breaker
- For Detailed Description and Technical Specification Please Visit
Exhaust Unit.PDF
Product picture Half open with illumination
with activated carbon filter – recirculated-air operation
- The exhaust unit is equipped with an activated carbon filter and working with recirculated-air operation.
- Left and right side with sloped glass sealing made of ESG safety glass
- Included illumination on the top side
- Included continuous controller and time meter
- For Detailed Description and Technical Specification Please Visit
Exhuast unit recirculated-air operation.PDF
Product picture exhaust unit with carbon filter system